The client suggested a modest storage structure be built in the playground to keep “Loose Parts” (objects for playing and learning based on Simon Nicholson’s theory for learning) contained during non recess hours and dry in inclement weather.
However, during investigation of the site a maintenance shed with a singular function, adjacent to playground, and in need of repair was identified. The proposed design solution suggested that rather than spending money on each item individually and serving separate functions, that their respective budgets and functions be combined into to one singular inclusive structure.
The resulting structure utilizes a large flat roof supported by the walls of the existing shed and new playful columns located within the playground area to create a covered play space with ample storage for “Loose Parts” and a greater aesthetic and functional value to the playground.
The structure was constructed in approximately 40 hours by 12 Yestermorrow design/build students, with little to no prior construction experience, as part of a two-week design build program.